Nanopac Australia

Remove Odours, Mould & Germs with the Nanopac advantage

Nanopac Australia develops family safe cleaning technologies which destroy odours, mould, and airborne germs.

Nanopac Australia is the Australian arm of Nanopac Innovation, an international team comprising some of the world's most esteemed Nano-tech engineers.

Research and development

Photo by KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock / Getty Images

Nanopac research and development work is undertaken in South Korea and guided by Dr Lee Tai Kyu, one of the world's leading new-materials experts. Dr Lee chaired the ISO committee on nano-ceramics for a number of years.

With strong R&D ties to universities and research centres around the globe, Nanopac products have seen growth in consumer whitegoods, agriculture, healthcare and hygiene industries.


Dr Lee Tai Kyu

Nanopac's Research and Development is headed by Korean scientist Dr Lee Kyu. He holds a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of New Mexico, USA and Masters of Science and Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Yonsei University, Korea. 

Dr Lee was posted as Head of the Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry Research Centre in 1998, and soon after was elected as Director of the New and Renewable Energy Research Department of the Korean Institute of Energy Research ("KIER").

In 1997, Dr Lee was awarded the "Brilliant Research" title by the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology.

Learn about key management staff at Nanopac in our Management Section.

Nanopac is an ISO9001 certified manufacturing company.

In 2011, Nanopac achieved an ISO 9001:2008 certification in "Filter embedment using Nanotechnology". It is currently the only manufacturer to hold this certification. 


As an ISO certified company and a leader in the field of Nano-materials, Nanopac has developed technologies for a wide range of MNCs and Government organisations.

Find out more about Nanopac's milestones and achievements in our Achievements section. 

Do you have more questions? Ask us now

For enquiries, contact us via the form below
or call us on 0412 443 211

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the Nanopac brochure.

Nanopac Australia

Postal PO Box 1054, Bentley DC, WA 6983

Phone  0412 443 211